This is a proposed outline for our Corporate Training Programme on Communication Skills.




Programme Objective


The objective of this training programme is to help participants understand how communication works and the elements of effective communication so that they are able to get their message across successfully every time.


Training Outcomes


After attending this programme, participants will be able to do the following:

  • Speak persuasively
  • Build rapport with others
  • Deliver messages in context
  • Convince, instruct and lead effectively
  • Write purposefully




Participants will learn through a variety of activities:

  • Interactive lectures with simple exercises
  • Paired and group activities


Value Added


Besides the 2-day programme (with course materials), participants will receive:

  • Simple assignments to work on after the programme
  • A free 3-hour follow-up session (online) on a date to be specified later


Who Should Attend


All staff members especially those at the various management levels


Programme Schedule



Time Activity
9.00-10.45 am

Module 1: Persuasive Speaking

CICI – Connect, Inform, Convince, Instruct

10.45-11.00 am BREAK
11.00 am-12.45 pm

Module 2: Building Rapport I

Stages of rapport – Comfort, Safety, Trust

Finding similarities – Experiences, Interests, Values, Beliefs

12.45-1.45 pm LUNCH
1.45-3.30 pm

Module 3: Building Rapport II

Channels of communication – Verbal, Visual, Vocal

Sensory words

Matching & mirroring, hand gestures (4 quadrants)

Hypnotic drop

3.30-3.45 pm BREAK
3.45-5.30 pm

Module 4: Context Messaging

Types of contexts – Concept, Principle, Structure, Process, Procedure, Fact



Time Activity
9.00-10.45 am

Module 5: Facilitating Conviction

The 4 social styles – Aggressive, Analytical, Amiable, Articulate (how to convince each style)

The 8 emotional drives

10.45-11.00 am BREAK
11.00 am-12.45 pm

Module 6: Giving Instructions

Types of instructions – Inviting, Guiding, Commanding, Advising

12.45-1.45 pm LUNCH
1.45-3.30 pm

Module 7: Purposefully Writing

AURA – Accessible, Useful, Readable, Applicable

Techniques – Grouping, Labelling, Standardizing, Imaging, Information Mapping

3.30-3.45 pm BREAK
3.45-5.30 pm

Module 8: Communicating as a Leader

The 4 leadership styles – Directing, Delegating, Developing, Demonstrating (specific communication tips for each style)


Interested in our Leadership Skills training? Please contact Ms. Sandy at 012-2764668 / for a proposal.