Feedback from Participants

Great lesson filled with practical activities. Presentation was smooth and on point with the topic.
~ CJ, special needs teacher

I learned a lot today. Some simple yet good techniques to have better control of my voice and articulation.
~ Hani, remisier

Lot of activities and exercises that we can practise at home. Very good.
~ Hasan, financial planner

Satu program yang tersusun dan kemas dalam pembangunan latihan vokal suara. Latihan yang disediakan membolehkan para peserta meningkatkan kebolehan dan keupayaan secara persendirian, bagi memperkasakan apa yang dipelajari.
~ Hj. Nik, retired teacher

Very good programme. A lot of practical, not just theory.
~ Hj. Zainal, remisier

Very practical workshop where each member needs to participate. Through this, evaluation on each member’s performance can be done. I appreciate the tips shared.
~ Intan, lecturer

This 1-day course is impactful and beneficial for me. It opened a lot of new knowledge to me and it will help me in my daily work.
~ Jehan, sales consultant

I feel great and have experienced something different in my learning. Good to have such knowledge, hopefully I will be able to make full use of them. Thank you Sandy.
~ John, retired

Bengkel ini sangat berguna dan membantu saya di dalam mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang penggunaan suara dan impaknya supaya dapat bercakap dengan lebih berkesan dan menyeluruh.
~ Noorlila, not stated

This programme is very good so make sure there will be a follow up class.
~ Nuzul, freelance

This workshop is so amazing, with many benefits to improve my public speaking skills. Thanks to Ms Sandy for conducting for us. You are very great.
~ Walid, pharmacist & motivator

Thank you Sandy and Ustaz Asri. We learned the finer points of voice articulation and projection.
~ Wawa, manager